Feather Flickers Fly Challenge (FFFC) RULES AND REGULATIONS
All decisions made by the tournament director and/or tournament officials will be final in all matters. The tournament director and/or the tournament officials can make a change when the safety of a contestant is in question or by a unanimous decision by the tournament committee. Any changes to the rules will be posted on the website
Each participant ("contestant") must read and acknowledge the following rules and indicate so by signing an entry form by signing each team members name during check-out. A "team" shall consist of two contestants.
1) Applicable Laws: Federal, State and Local laws shall be obeyed by contestants at all times. Contestants fishing in Texas waters shall adhere to the local and state laws. Violation of any federal, state and/or local laws shall result in the disqualification of the individual and his team from the Feather flicker fly challenge event, and may disqualify (at the discretion of the FFFC officials) the individual and his team from the entire series.
2) Tournament Eligibility: Contestants under 18 years old must fish with their legal guardian as their teammate, or another adult approved by the minor’s legal guardian. The FFFC reserves the right to refuse membership and participation in any event to any individual and/or team at the discretion of the tournament committee.
3) Sportsmanship: FFFC participants are expected to follow the highest standards of sportsmanship, courtesy and ethics. Unsportsmanlike and unethical conduct will result in disqualification (at the tournament committee’s discretion). Please refer to the Texas Boating Safety Rules.
4) Permitted Tournament Fishing Waters: Open to all public water.
Contestants may fish in any inshore public water accessible by boat. "Inshore" for this series is defined as the navigable, tide consumable coastal waters, bays, rivers, and wetlands, extending to the inside of the passes to The Gulf of Mexico. Contestants may not fish beyond the furthest point of a pass extending into the Gulf of Mexico.
Contestants shall not fish in any area which has been "closed" by a governmental agency.
Wade fishing is not allowed
Participants are not allowed to fish within 150 feet (50 yards) of another anchored boat unless they are invited in by the team. An anchored boat is a boat held in a stable position by an anchor, a weight, push pole, PowerPole, or other "anchoring" mechanism. If a team invites another team into the inviting team’s 50 yard area, any tournament participant is also allowed within the waived area. Range finder and picture of boat behind range finder best way to bring this sort of protest to light.
The boat anchored in an area first has the right to 150 feet radius of the area..
5) Permitted Fishing Methods: All tournament fish shall be taken by flyrod, flyreel, and flies, only. Contestants shall not "harass" fish, to include such antics as "burning" or corralling of schools with a boat. Prior to and during the tournament, contestants shall not "cork" or otherwise mark fish or schools of fish for identification for the purposes of locating fish during tournament hours.
Trolling motors are prohibited.
6) Polygraphs: By signature on the official tournament entry form, each contestant agrees to a polygraph test and be bound by its interpreted results and conclusions. Polygraph will be at the tournament directors discretion and will take place within a reasonable time frame.
7) Insurance and Liability: Each boat entered into any FFFC shall have liability insurance coverage to be maintained throughout the entirety of the series or for every event fished. It is the responsibility of the boat owner to carry liability insurance covering the vessel. The "FFFC" will not issue liability coverage for its events. All tournament participants are required to sign a waiver absolving all tournament officials, officers, participants, sponsors and co-sponsors from any responsibility for damage or personal injury sustained as a result of the contestant’s participation in the tournament or its related activities, and the contestant’s signature on this form shall constitute an alternate release in the instance the member fails to sign the official DECLARATION, WAIVER, RELEASE, AND HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT.
8) Pre-Tournament "Captain’s" Meeting: Tournament Registration for the FFFC will be the Friday evening before the tournament date at 6:00PM. A pre-tournament meeting will be held following registration at 6:00 PM. At least one member of each team shall attend the Pre-Tournament Captains meeting. Participants may be excused from the Friday night meeting if arrangements are made with the FFFC staff. If a contestant fails to attend the registration and pre-tournament meeting without written permission from the FFFC office, a one (3) inch, per fish penalty, will be assessed against the team’s fish at weigh-in.
9) Communication: is not allowed with tournament contestants during tournament hours.
10) Entry Fees, Tournament Registration and Identification: The entry fee for each event is $500.00 per, two person team.
11) Boat, Motor and Horsepower Regulations: All boats shall be a minimum of 15 feet in length and be equipped with a minimum of 20 hp motor and maximum of 135 hp motorb(exceptions will be made with tournament directors approval). Each boat must have all required U.S. Coast Guard safety equipment. ALL BOATS MUST BE EQUIPPED WITH AN OPERABLE IGNITION KILL SWITCH. The kill switch device must be attached to the driver's body anytime the combustion engine is operating. Anytime the combustion engine is operating and in gear, there must be a driver in the driver's seat in full control of the boat. Any fuel tanks that are not installed by the boat manufacturer are prohibited. Fuel may be carried only in factory installed (built-in, including portable) fuel tanks. Any additional fuel used during the tournament day must be purchased from a retail facility open to the public.
12) Safety: Safe boating will be observed at all times. Each contestant is required to properly wear a U.S. Coast Guard approved, personal floatation device anytime the combustion engine is engaged. Tournament days may be shortened or canceled due to unsafe weather or water conditions. The decision to shorten or to cancel will be left totally to the discretion of the tournament director/committee. A 4-hour period shall constitute a day of fishing. It is the competitor’s responsibility to communicate with the Tournament Director if cancellation of the event is suspected. Cancellations will be communicated via FFFC's facebook or text message. If conditions are not safe on the tournament day, the FFFC reserves the right to reschedule the tournament on the following day (Sunday). If conditions are not favorable the following day (Sunday), an alternate date will be reset.
13) Tackle and Equipment: Only artificial flies may be used. No live bait, dead bait or prepared bait will be permitted. No special attractants, juices, flavorings, or gulp! juice may be applied to the fly. Only one rod and reel may be used at any one time per angler.
14) Fish: A team’s tournament length will consist of THREE red drum ("redfish"), measuring anywhere between 1 inch and no more than 30 inches, in length, each. the official measuring device will be available at the captains meeting. One fish over 30 inches will count as a 30” catch.
15) Scoring: Tournament standings, auxiliary awards and final winners shall be determined by the total length of each team’s catch during the tournament consisting of three (3) redfish, measured in inches. Only redfish at least 1 inch in length, but less than or equal to 30 inches in length may be C.P.R.. All redfish pictures will be turned into the tournament officials during the weigh-in. A marker will be handed out during the captains meeting. The "marker" shall be clearly visible during the photo to be considered as your catch.
16) Ties: If two or more teams have identical length in the tournament, the team weighing in first will break the tie.
17) Protest Procedure: All protests must be submitted in writing, along with a $400.00 cash deposit. Protests must be submitted to the tournament director no later than 15 minutes following the weigh-in of the last fish. All decisions will be made by the tournament director and committee, and are final. If the protest is upheld, the cash deposit will be returned to the person submitting the protest. The protester agrees that by filing a protest, he may be subject to a polygraph test.
18) Permission to be filmed for Television: All participants agree to be filmed, photographed, taped, interviewed, quoted or otherwise revealed, without compensation, by the FFFC. This includes but is not limited to the official photographers, writers, hosts, or sponsors of this event under the conditions authorized by the FFFC organizers. Each contestant, by his signature affixed below, hereby gives the FFFC, and its assigns, the right to use (without compensation) the contestant’s name, picture, likeness, quotes, and biographical information, whether audio or visual, before, during and after the period of an individual or team participation in an event.
19) No refunds will be given. You may transfer your spot to another team with approval from FFFC.